Article 10657 of Path:!!sunic!!!nuug!!!!!randy From: (Randy Hutson) Newsgroups: Subject: List of Changes in Angband 2.6.2 Date: 4 Jan 1995 23:07:34 GMT Organization: Dept. of Statistics, Texas A&M University Lines: 176 Message-ID: <3ef9nm$> NNTP-Posting-Host: [First, let me reiterate something brought up in a recent post] *WARNING*: There is a bug in 2.6.2 which could (eventually will) wipe out the items in your home if you have the "shuffle store owners" option enabled! You should apply the patch which (Martian) posted in article <3eelt2$> before playing 2.6.2 with the store shuffling option enabled. (Fortunately, the option is disabled by default.) Here's a list of some of the changes made in Angband between 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. I've concentrated on bug fixes and changes noticeable to players, especially those which affect game play. Many of these changes are documented in the FIXES file which comes with 2.6.1, but often I've elaborated on them a bit more. (Some people might consider my elaborations to be spoilers, so don't read much further if you're squeamish about such things.) I haven't listed porting fixes, typo fixes, and other things which I didn't think would be of general interest. The changes are listed in alphabetical order of the source code files. I've included the name of the files where the changes occurred. (I listed the file names for my own reference but saw no reason to remove them.) Browsing through a 350K diff file and figuring out what's going on takes a while and gets a bit tedious, so sorry for any mistakes, omissions, vague descriptions, etc. Please let me know about any of these problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create.c -Autoroller now aborts after 10000 rounds if the game was compiled with "NICE" defined. -Show character's to-hit, to-dam, and AC stats when player is asked whether or not to accept a character. creature.c -Changed fear code so that immobile monsters won't run away. Also, monsters won't run very far away (25 is the max. distance). -Fixed a bug which prevented the player from being interrupted from resting or searching if a monster teleported the player to the monster ("xxx commands you to return!"). The same bug fix prevents a player from being disturbed if a monster tries to drain mana from a player with no mana. dungeon.c -Fixed the problem where a level feeling sometimes wouldn't be printed after restoring from a save file. (The number of turns spent on the current level was being reset after restoring.) -The score command ('v') no longer costs a turn. -The activation timeout on Eriril is no longer reset if the player aborts the identify. -Soulkeeper's activation now heals cuts. -Gondor's " " -Poison resistance added to Bladeturner's activation. generate.c -Stores no longer reset every time the town level is generated. (This causes a little problem with empty stores for new characters though.) magic.c: -Spellcasting without enough mana now has a 1/3 chance of permanently reducing your constitution. (That is, a Potion of Restore Constitution won't restore the lost stat. A potion of Constitution or Augmentation will be needed to raise it again.) misc1.c -Floating point used to calculate bonuses on some weapons, armor, rings, etc. This should make the bonus distribution smoother and without jumps in bonuses between certain levels. (I was tempted to put a Pentium joke here, but I won't.) -Arunruth now has Resist Cold. -Bows of Might & Accuracy and artifact bows made rarer. -Cursed gloves of strength and dexterity now always have a negative bonus. -Ring of Speed (+2) now costs three times as much as ROS (+1). -New options: shuffling shop owners, disable bell ringing, prompt before throwing. An option titled "Use new screen layout" has been added, but it's never used by the program. (You apparently always get the new screen layout, but that's OK since it's nice.) misc2.c -Display of player stats changed a bit. (Max mana shown, equippy chars moved, etc.) This is probably the new screen layout. -Stat decrementing routine rewritten (more floating point!), so that stat reductions will be a bit different. -Players are now told if mana is lost because the wrong type of gloves is being worn or their armor is too heavy. A little typo ("more more") got introduced though. monsters.c -Wereworms are now evil. Most players probably already knew this. :-) -A wall crunching, acid breathing worm called a "Dhole" was nearly added to the game! moria1.c -Without immunity to acid or temporary acid resistance, corrosion can do inventory damage and has a 1/4 chance of causing charisma loss. Having temporary acid resistance reduces the chance of inventory and charisma damage by 1/10. Permanent acid resistance provides no protection against corrosion. -Without any form of poison resistance, poison now has a 1/6 chance of damaging a player's constitution. -With no form of fire resistance, there is a chance of inventory damage and a 1/5 chance of the player being weakened. If a player has only permanent fire resistance, the chance of inventory damage and weakening is reduced by 1/10. Immunity to fire and/or temporary fire resistance provide complete protection from fire for equipment, inventory, and strength. -Damage from cold is similar to that of fire, except that there is a chance of dexterity loss instead of weakening. -Damage from lightning parallels that of cold damage. -With no acid resistance of any form, acid can damage equipment and inventory and WILL damage a player's charisma. Having permanent acid resistance reduces the chance of charisma damage to 1/20. Immunity to acid and/or temporary acid resistance provide complete protection from acid for equipment, inventory, and charisma. -A bug was fixed, and acid now causes loss of HPs. moria2.c -A bug was fixed, and spiked pits now cause a loss of HPs. -The game won't ask for a direction when opening chests and doors, closing doors, or disarming chests and traps if there's only 1 object in sight. -Rangers' multiple bow shots are restored, but halved. -'.' monsters can no longer be targeted. prayer.c -Praying without enough mana now has a 1/3 chance of permanently reducing your constitution just as with mages. rods.c -The timeout on Rods of Perception won't be reset if the identify is aborted. -Rods of Healing will now cure all of blindness, poison, and confusion instead of just curing one and then stopping. sets.c -"Ordinary" magic books and prayer books can be destroyed by fire, plasma, and meteors if they're on the dungeon floor. (They're still safe from if they are being carried.) signals.c -Some changes in the signal handler. WARNING: these changes don't work well for me under Linux. Interrupting (^C), answering 'n' to the suicide question, and then interrupting any time afterwards results in the loss of my character. spells.c -Door creation no longer destroys artifacts, stairs, or store doors. -A couple of problems with disenchantment breath messages fixed. -Fixed problem with blindness resistance not working with darkness breath. -Cloned monsters now heal completely and have a 1/3 chanced of speeding up. -"imitates Bill Cosby in pain" message no longer used. (ahh...) staffs.c -No charge for aborting staffs of Genocide or Perceptions. -Staffs of Curing fixed ala Rods of Curing store1.c -If enabled by an option, store owners can change. (1/100 chance of this happening every 1000 turns.) store2.c -It's now "impossible (at least, harder)" to make a profit from the store. -You can browse in stores with a space as well as 'b'. treasure.c -Mushrooms of Restoring are now 1/10 as likely to occur. wands.c -Wands of Frost now shoot frost bolts instead of lightning bolts (oops). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randy Hutson -